South African photographer Guy Tillim photographed Beijing on a residency. In a 2 week period a series of new street photographs were shot and an initial edit shown to designer Syb Kuiper. The resulting book Edit Beijing, designed by SYB, skillfully presents this new material.
Quite different to the cityscape images of Tillim's work in African cities, Edit Beijing sees the photographer getting closer, as he noted, " I learned something valuable while making those 'cityscapes'. The more visible you are to people in the streets, the more invisible, in a certain sense, you become. So standing in plain sight with my tripod-mounted camera, I became instantly seen, assimilated, and ultimately, overlooked, which as you know, is often a desirable state of being for a street photographer." The photos in the book are placed side by side as if a continuous scene in a playful manner when in reality they are in fact single images.
Immaculately designed and presented new book. Slipcased numbered edition of 500 copies, each with a signed C-print, size 25cm x 16cm.